Scott Barber is viewed by many as the world’s most prominent thought-leader in
the area of software system performance testing and as a respected leader in the advancement of the understanding and practice of testing software
systems in general. Scott earned his reputation by, among other things, contributing to three books (co-author, Performance Testing Guidance for Web
Applications, Microsoft Press; 2007, contributing author Beautiful Testing, O’Reilly Media; 2009, contributing author How to Reduce the Cost of Testing,
Taylor & Francis; 2011), composing over 100 articles and papers, delivering keynote addresses on five continents, serving the testing community as a
member of the Computer Measurement Board of Directors, as the Executive Director of the Association for Software Testing and by co-founding the Workshop
on Performance and Reliability.
Today, Scott is applying and enhancing his thoughts on delivering world-class system performance in complex business and technical environments with
a variety of clients and is actively building the foundation for his next project: driving the integration of testing commercial software systems with
the core objectives of the businesses funding that testing.
When he’s not “being a geek”, as he says, Scott enjoys spending time with his partner Dawn and his sons Nicholas and Taylor at home in central
Florida and in other interesting places that his accumulated frequent flier miles enable them to explore.
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